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Initializing the server

Let’s pretend you’ve just initialized a new Fresh project. You want to do some complicated setup that runs once, before the server is started. This is, fortunately, quite easy. Here’s how. Modify your fresh.config.ts like this:

 import twindConfig from "./twind.config.ts";
+import { Context } from "./routes/_middleware.ts";
+await Context.init();

 export default defineConfig({
   plugins: [twindPlugin(twindConfig)],

So your full fresh.config.ts should look like this:

import { defineConfig } from "$fresh/server.ts";
import twindPlugin from "$fresh/plugins/twind.ts";
import twindConfig from "./twind.config.ts";
import { Context } from "./routes/_middleware.ts";

await Context.init();

export default defineConfig({
  plugins: [twindPlugin(twindConfig)],

But what’s going on in this new _middleware.ts we’ve created?

import { FreshContext } from "$fresh/server.ts";

export interface State {
  context: Context;

export class Context {
  private static context: Context;
  private complicatedStartupValue: number;

  public constructor() {
    console.log("i'm logged during initialization, and not during handling!");
    // presumably this involves connecting to a
    // database or doing some heavy computation
    this.complicatedStartupValue = 42;

  public static async init() {
    Context.context = new Context();

  public static instance() {
    if (this.context) return this.context;
    else throw new Error("Context is not initialized!");

export async function handler(
  _req: Request,
  ctx: FreshContext<State>,
) {
  ctx.state.context = Context.instance();
  if (ctx.destination === "route") {
    console.log("i'm logged during a request!");
  const resp = await;
  return resp;

So now in this handler (or any other handler functions you create) you can have access to the complicated initialization step by calling Context.instance().

Proving it out


When you run deno task start you should see the following output:

Task start deno run -A --watch=static/,routes/ dev.ts
Watcher Process started.
i'm logged during initialization, and not during handling!
The manifest has been generated for 6 routes and 1 islands.

 🍋 Fresh ready
    Local: http://localhost:8000/

Going to http://localhost:8000/ should produce:

i'm logged during a request!
Context { complicatedStartupValue: 42 }


When you run deno task build you should see:

Task build deno run -A dev.ts build
i'm logged during initialization, and not during handling!
The manifest has been generated for 6 routes and 1 islands.
Assets written to: /path/to/my/project/_fresh

There’s no handling of routes associated with this, but note that the initialization occurred.


Finally when you run deno task preview you should see:

Task preview deno run -A main.ts
i'm logged during initialization, and not during handling!
Using snapshot found at /Users/reed/code/temp/1763/_fresh

 🍋 Fresh ready
    Local: http://localhost:8000/

Going to http://localhost:8000/ should produce:

i'm logged during a request!
Context { complicatedStartupValue: 42 }